Ok I joined "The Charming Girls Quilt Club" last month and I was supposed to list all my to-do projects and try to get them done by end of month. So, I have a lot (don't laugh) and please don't judge (i have alot of ufo's), Ok so here goes:

- Missouri Da
isies - yes I am still making them! I start and then stop and start again, well you may know the drill...so am going to piece about 6 more daisies and then I will construct into a much small quilt than I originally planned. I have three piles ones that are completed and ones that still need their centers sewn on and then ones that need to be constructed...
2. Saffron Hill by Sue Spargo. I won't even tell you when I started this li

ttle baby, but am putting it on the list as I want to give my sister this for christmas... needs a little more applique (stems and crow and chimneys and little circles - well you get the gist) needs some work, but I think I can pull it off and get it finished for Christmas. I love Sue Spargo Folk-art Quilts, but I am sure getting sick at looking at this one!!
- 3. This block is from The Primitive Garden (I have a side picture of the quilt what it should look like when finished) I am looking at just getting this one block done by the end of the month not b
the whole quilt - I figure a

block a month...that I can do.
4. Bunny's Prefer Chocolate - am working on block 2 - still need to machine applique this baby down. Should get that done by the end of th

e month too. Hopefully by Spring this one will be done - always wanted something spring-like to hang up...

5. Prairie Sweets by Fig Tree Quilts - I made one as a baby quilt for my niece - it is in my header above,
well, I really loved how that quilt came together and after it was quilted it was really beautiful, so I decided to make one for me (don't laugh that was about 6 months ago) so, i have all the pinwheels cut out ready to be sewn... but the circles I still have to cut out and the

n all the sewing - that is the
biggee! T

o tell you the truth I think I am going to be working on that for a couple of months at least...but I just love that pattern!!
Well, that is it for the procrastination of Mary's (please don't laugh) and for the heck of it, I took a picture of my sewing room, because I was having a hart time fitting in their this afternoon, thought you might want to see a really organized mess of a room I have - isn't it just lovely!!!?!?!?!?!? Couldn't turn right or left, I kinda just backed myself out of the room....
Oh almost forgot here is a picture of youngest on Saturday night - it was Homecoming!!! Oh look at those shoes - my Baby is wea

ring Stilletoos (spelling can find the work in the dictionary - but

you get what I am saying) Have no idea how she danced in those babies, but they sure looked pretty!!
Have a great week everyone and I will be somewhere in my sewing room, sewing!
Lots of Hugs,