Went to the International Quilt Festival today at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL with my Sister!!!! Oh what a fun time we had - took a lot of pictures of some of the most amazing quilts I have ever seen and then went to look at them before we left and somehow DELETED them - So had to backtrack and I just took a few of my favorites...Enjoy the eye candy...
I especially liked the yellow one - that is why I took so many of that one. You would never know we were in a recession or whatever we are in there were soooo many ladies buying fabric and patterns and kits - Yes, I was one of them - I couldn't help it, every booth was just so much fun to look at and see all the creations that they were selling - This was my first Quilt Festival and it was fantastic. Some lady told me it is the last one in Illinois - next year it is going to be in Cincinnati - so am glad I finally made it!
And a word on Cooper - he is recoving very quickly - so all of your prayers have surely been answered - Now to just be able to keep him in a quiet mode - not an easy task - but Monday will be 2 weeks down and 5 more to go! We are getting there!
Many Hugs,