Last night sewed the rest of the Missouri Daisy Blocks to the yellow center. This is not easy as you have to use a big running stitch to make just
Also, worked on my Pine Tree Houses, cutting, and I don't know about yo
So as you can see I have been in (way to long) am getting better (Bronchitis) yes, the dreaded coughing is lowing maybe I can actually take Cooper out for a walk today...I think he is depressed because all he does is look at me with those big eyes ... wants to get back in the woods behind my house and run, but for now maybe just a walk around the neighborhood...
I have to say one more thing, since I have been homebound I have visited some of the more remarkable blogs from you ladies and all of you inspire me, I think I joined about 20 more blogs as fav's and I am in total awe of the work that you do.
Keep sewing,