Okay, because I can not think for the life of me what to do with this beautiful fabric....I am going to have a give away and guess what, I am giving away that fabric! Sounds good, huh? And because it is friday, will put some other little "Easter" items as well, TGIF!!!
Now this is all you have to do:
Leave me a comment as to what you are currently working on AND what inspires you to quilt, applique, cross stitch, whatever your "thing" is...simple enough?
Here are pics of the fabric again...and Cooper will supervise the picking of the names: ....."wait you talking to me???" (this is Cooper thinking....) "oh boy, she IS talking to me...I just wanted to look out this window and now .... oh, alright I'll help you out!!!" APRIL 6TH COOPER WILL PICK WINNER!!