AWESOME WEEKEND....Friday Night, Hubby got tickets for the Blackhawks Hockey Game right on the ice! That was what he wanted for his Birthday, so just the two of us went and it was....UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We sat First Row right next to the Boards. Now I know what your thinking...but for a "retired" Hockey Mom, it was really exciting...here are a few pictures.
The first is my glass of wine sitting on the ledge and just look how close we were to the ice!!! How cool is that? And then, the Blackhawks came out to practice and WOW... Then I remembered, I had to shut off my light on camera (thank you young girl who told me and did that for me, I don't know how to work it yet)... SO, pictures get a little better:

Can you believe it, that's the Goalie (I wish he would have turned around), but got a shot of his name on jersey - that's how close we were!! Yep, the next one is Assistant Captain, Patrick Sharp (my oldest is in love with him), so tried to get an up close one of him for her....Why don't they just look at me....can't they see I
trying to get their pictures????!?!?!? Oh, right, they are practicing, DUH!!
Then game started and 'BAM' right in front of us, I sw
ear I thought they were going to come through that plexiglass and how fast that puck goes, totally awesome!!!
Then to put the icing on the cake, as they say, WE WON!!!!!!! Here they are congratulating the goalie and then they raise their

sticks to tell us thank you for watching.
The Captan, Jonathan Toews, is on at the end talking about game highlights!!!
We had a blast and it brought back soooooo many memories of my then, little guy, Mike who was 4 yrs old when he started playing hockey (now he is 19-going on 20 yrs old). Mike is in college and doesn't play anymore, but those years that he did, we some of the best years of my life, I just LOVED watching my "little guy" out on that ice!!
That was Friday and then on Saturday, I took my nephew (who is about 25 yrs old) horsebackriding for the 1st time, he has been talking about it for so long, so I called the barn where I ride and got him on a horse.

He rode" buddy " and I rode, "cloud", white-painted palaminos. They were sooo beautiful! My nephew rode Western and I ride English, so we had a great time in our hour ride. Here are some pics of him and I (now remember my flash was off, due to game, so pictures are
kind of blurry)... I am trying to tilt myself to get closer to my nephew that is why I look a little "off" on my horse, and then the best part...you guessed it feeding the horses, What a Weekend!!
Hope everyone in blogland had a great one too!!


FRIDAY GIVE AWAY WINNER IS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First I want to thank all you lovely bloggers who played with me over the weekend and left comments regarding my give away!!!!
After reading all the comments, each one of you, really, inspires me! I thank you for that. Hearing about what you are currently working on and to hear a lot of you quilt for charities, was very touching and heartwarming! Quilters are the BEST in my book!! Even though, I have never met any of you, I feel like I know you each a little better by your comments and your blogs and your beautiful projects you are working on...with that said,
Cooper totally, 100% picked out the name. How, you ask? Well, I typed up each name, cut your names out, placed them in a jar, shook it several times then dumped all the names on a piece of "easter looking" fabric, and then I thought, how am I going to get him to paw or sniff one of the names, so....after much thought (see I have way too much time on my hands), I placed his favorite bone in the center and he literally picked up a name with his mouth and took off! So after bribing him with a treat, I got the piece of paper out of his mouth, so to make a long store short:
Congratulations, Michele!!!! Just send me your address to my email (coolmommary@fastmail.fm) and your fabric and goodies will be shipped out tomorrow!!!! This is what Michele wrote in my blog: "I am working on a baby quilt for my grandson, Evan, who recently moved away with his parents to the other side of the country. I quilt to relax, and this time, to find peace of mind, the process is calming and I will have a product at the end that I can gift him with."
How beautiful Michele...see Cooper knew you were missing your grandson, Evan! I know he will just love the quilt you are making for him!!!
Thank you for playing everyone, this was a lot of fun....I will have to think up of another one soon!!!!!