HELLO EVERYONE!! Back from Vacation...Oh it was WONDERFUL!!!! Just Heaven, this time we rented a house right on the beach!! To hear the ocean waves at night was such a treat for this midwestener!! We have Lake Michigan near us but the Atlantic Ocean is just so powerful and blue and was really warm too!! Here are some pics for you to see what I saw from our deck...see those umbrellas...those were ours!! Here is one picture looking North and here is one looking South.
Before we landed in North Carolina, we stopped off
This is one of my fav's of hubby relaxing...and here is one of all the kids, Kate brought her boyfriend Chris and Mike brought his girlfriend Angie, so Emily was glad that her cousins Noelle and Jimmy were down there, along with my Sisters and Hubbies and ofcourse, my 86 yr old Mom made it too! I tell you I seriously could live down there if it wasn't so darn expensive. I am glad and thankful for the beautiful week we had. Thank you God!!!
Sorry I haven't blogged much but June was a complete blur as Kate graduated from co
Much Love and Hugs,