Saturday, April 5, 2008
Happy Saturday!! Hubby took Saturday off to spend some quality time with family. Yeah!
Because I am "digital" here are some pictures from our day.
The first two are "lovely children in car"... (why are there two pictures? you ask, because Oldest Diva had to take sunglasses off)
Now, back to the road, Oh Wait! We must stop for breakfast...they have to have their Mocha's and Pie, so... here we are at Baker's Square...why are they hitting one another with the menu's? Oh, sooo much fun, did I tell them they were young adults? Oh, I must have fogotten to tell them...Darn! I knew I forgot something to teach them!
Now on to the Art Institute... Here is the front, some inside shots of exhibits, one of my and the girls, and now that we have been "cultured", we are heading home...
They are now screaming for me to put away camera, but they didn't know I was behind them and took this one anyway...
Oh, and I forgot lovely shots of Lake Michigan...
This one I just have to add, before we left I took this picture of a man's backside on a bench. I call it "Butt on Bench" (actually did not know camera was on...and I snapped it, mistakenly), yeah, right?
So stayed tuned for next month's adventure when "Hubby takes Off Work" where we will end up!!
Opps, Oldest says I never put her on my blog...well, here ya go Sweetie!