Yes I bought reindeer antlers for Cooper! He even allowed me to take his pic but we compromised...Snoopy had to stay in his mouth!!!
We had Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day we visite
Then one of the girls posing by the tree...
Then one
These are of my family and their
Cooper thinks Izzie and Maxie are toys, so keeping them apart was a real joy!!
Here is hubby and my b
This one is of Dave an
And if you want a real "treat" watch this video of my 86 yr old Mom reciting "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and then what is this???
I am "getting" a quilt for Christmas?????? Dave's nephew's, Wife, Sam (remember Ryan and Sam, I made them a baby quilt a while ago, well Sam is quilting now and she made this for me, it is supposed to be used on a table, but it is too precious for a table, so I draped it over my couch in Living Room - I just can't believe I finally have a Christmas Quilt that someone made actually for me!!!Thank you Sam!!!!!!! The colors in the quilt are just perfect for our home and she even made her binding and you should see how perfectly she put the binding on! I am in awe! Sam is such a sweety , thank you soooooooooooooooooo
Well, that is Christmas at the Burns', until next time....
Happy New Year everyone and God Bless All of You,
Many, Many Grateful Hugs,