Hi all you bloggers,
This week is spring break for my kids and right now outside my window it is snowing!!?!?!?!?!?!?
Can you believe that!! Don't get me wrong, I love snow at the right time of year, but Easter break, come on now!!!! There is a bright side to all of this icky weather, my two love birds (don't know what kind they are) have taken up residence again this year on my deck. They only come when the season changes to spring and then they stick around until fall. They are not even that pretty, but they make the most beautiful sound, so here they are yesterday... You have to look really closely as they blend in with deck, but you can atleast see one and the other one is little to right of that one.
I haven't named them yet...am thinking of doing so, as they literally fly around the outside of my house making this beautiful sound....okay maybe I really do need to get out more or maybe get a LIFE! But somedays I just like to watch these two. What would I name them anyway (I can't believe I am thinking of naming two birds...WOW getting scared now!?!?!!??!
Well, I better get back to all my Domestic Goddess things I have to do...Cook dinner and sort through laundry.
Hey, if you think of two bird names let me know...
hi Mary... I am from Maine and your bird looks like a Mourning Dove to me. We have a lot of them. Their song is more of a coo and a "longing" one at that... Is that what yours sound like?
Hi Mary...I agree with Leesha, your bird appears to be a Mourning Dove. You could always name them after some "famous" couples like Fred & Wilma (Flintstone) or Ricky & Lucy (Riccardo) or you get the idea. We have two Wrens who sleep every night in the eve of our patio roof and we call them Fred & Ethel.
ReplyDeleteJeanne in MA
Wow you gals are really good!! I looked up Mourning Dove on Wikipedia and that's My Bird(s)! Then I started reading about them and it is so cool to now know what kind of birds these are and the lovely sound they make. Also, I found out they like sunflower or wheat seeds, so will now have to leave that out for them (have been placing pieces of bread out there...but my dog, (Lab) Oreo has discovered the bread and thinks it for him...so I think seeds would be better! Thank you both for educating me, I just love the sound they make and now I know why they are scratching each other's backs with their beaks and why they are always in two's. How Cool is that! Thanks Ladies, Both of you gals email me with your address' and I will send you both something (I have two books, but I also will find two more books so that both of you get something)! Thank you for answering me, Leesha and Jeanne!!!