Well, today seemed like a perfect day to complete the baby quilt top, until my sewing machine started sewing funky on me...UGG!! Was just adding the last row and the tension went crazy on me! Did some maintenance on it, seemed fixed and it happened again! The bobbin tread is coming up through the top! What is this???? So will have to bring in to Quilt Store where I bought it so many years ago...its a Pfaff and I love it, feel sad now that it is broken! Here are some pics of what I did get done..

Don't look at my sewing room because it is a mess!
also, am still working on my Ole Glory Quilt, am on block 4 here is what I have done so far:
I work on this at night while tv is on...
Well, Happy Tuesday, bad storms in IL last night, a couple of tornado's but the heat is returning. I love the heat, Love Summer!!
This is my daughter Kate and her hubby Chris, by the pool on her birthday!
Happy Tues everyone,
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