26 March 2015

Sometimes you just have to have a fun day!

Hi....today I attended the International Quilt Festival in Chicago. WOW is all I can say, Beautiful Quilts in Red and White. I brought my camera so you can see what I saw, now I am not a photographer so bear with me here....
This last one was my favorite - love the chedder! Primitive Gatherings Quilt Shop and Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop were there, just to name a few...so I did spend a couple of pennies...LOL :) Anyway, it was a Beautiful Show they put on and enjoyed a day out with my Sister! Hope you enjoy all the eye candy, Hugs, Mary


  1. Were the red & white quilts some of the ones that a collector showed in New York City three or four years ago?

  2. I don't know it was the International Quilt Festival that they hold in Houston... it comes to Illinois about every 5 yrs or so??
