Happy Flag Day! Did you know today was Flag Day? I knew it because my oldest turned 23 yesterday and I almost had her on Flag Day! Memories...
Well, I haven't been sewing lately, have been busy with being busy! So, what does that mean? I don't have the slighest idea, honestly, one day just bounces into another around here...
Have been a little sad lately over a lot of things but not anything I can point my finger at exactly. I guess just live in general. Teenagers growing into young adults with their own ideas, thoughts, feelings and that is what should happen, but where does that leave a Mom? Lonely, frustrated, confused, really confused, exasperated at times, but most of all Alone. Have you ever felt like that?
And then the money issue thing...when is this economy going to get better? And then the oil thing happening in the gulf - my heart goes out to those that are affected and you know we will all be affected somehow by this disaster - I love to visit Florida and the gulf, some of my most cherished memories as a child I have down there with my Mom, Dad and sisters and to think those beautiful beaches and wildlife are going to be ruined - well, it just makes me sick!

I know, I am a little depressing here (a little, do you think???)
Well, for great news, atleast for my Husband and kids, The Hawks Won! Glad the season is over to tell you truth!!!! I have been to way to many Hockey Games this year, need a break! Here is a picture of them in the parade in Chicago - Angie (Mike's girlfriend took it and sent to me). All my kids were down there, but Angie thought to send me a pic - Thank you Angie!
When I get reallly disgusted with Life, this is what I do...
plant flowers, lots of them! Some of these came up from last year, some I just planted, aren't they pretty? I just like to sit and look at them and all the beautiful colors...
Well, hope all of you are having better days!