Hello Everyone!!!!
This is what I have been up to for the last several weeks....making a valance for my sister's condo. Not a hard job - but the material she picked up at IKEA was very hard to work with and well, life got in the way a bit, so finally, finally finished it late last night and put it
up for her today. She has
all Scandanavian furniture so it looks really good with her red chair and other items, not my taste but everyone is different I guess.

I do have so bad news, my puppy - Cooper has torn his ACL muscle in his leg - so has to be operated on next week - he has been limping so took him to the vet and they took xrays and well, next week he will be operated on to fix the torn muscle and then home to get better. They want me to crate him for 8 weeks - which I can not do, but will keep him on his leash and will limit exercise - walks. Oh I am so sad for him as he just loves to run in the backyard with the little boys across the street...he is such a sweet dog! sO PLEASE say lots of prayers for him next week!

Youngest daughter, received her class ring last week - here are some pics of her! This is my Mom with her - mom looks good for 87 yrs old!! And here are some with her friends...
And of course, I am especially proud of this one....
This is what happens when you lend your camera to her because she
forgot hers!!!! Don't know why it is sideways - oh the fun of High School Days!!
I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter Holiday and Spring!!!! It is 60 degrees today - YEAH!!
Many Hugs,