29 June 2015

Another rainy Monday

Good morning everyone, well today is another rainy Monday. I don't know about you but I have had it with the rain! I know the west needs the rain but here in Illinois we are totally saturated. This is summer...? You wait all winter long for sun and heat and know I feel like we are living in the rainforest somewhere. We have an inground sprinkler system and we have not even turned on (bright side saving money) but I just want the sun😓 Well, on a brighter note, the baby quilt is in the hoop..worked on that sat and Sunday...prepped more blocks for a quilt I am making..more news on that in August...prepped more a table runner I am making and almost finished with the second block of "when the cold wind blows" pattern...I will post some pics this afternoon as I am using hubby's iPad. I hope your sun is out as I look out my kitchen window into my rainforest. All I need to see now are some monkeys swinging through the trees?!☔️🐒 Hugs Mary

Baby Quilt Top Done

Hi everyone, Well, I did fix my machine - and you know what all the google searches say, 99% of the time it is Not your tension...Well, in my case, it Was The Tension! So after playing around with it I did finally fix it, Thank God!! Point being, check your Tension on machine first before bringing it in for repair. Anyway, after getting all my rows sewed, I knew I wasn't quite finished with this Baby Quilt yet, atleast not my version, so here is the completed top:
Yep, that is hubby holding it up for me! So now to be quilted!!! I want to get this done and in the mail by mid July, as I am going to be on vacation and baby is due in September, so what do you think?? Happy Thursday, Lots of Rain here in IL. Hugs, Mary

23 June 2015

Baby Quilt and Part 4 of my Ole Glory

Well, today seemed like a perfect day to complete the baby quilt top, until my sewing machine started sewing funky on me...UGG!! Was just adding the last row and the tension went crazy on me! Did some maintenance on it, seemed fixed and it happened again! The bobbin tread is coming up through the top! What is this???? So will have to bring in to Quilt Store where I bought it so many years ago...its a Pfaff and I love it, feel sad now that it is broken! Here are some pics of what I did get done..
Don't look at my sewing room because it is a mess! also, am still working on my Ole Glory Quilt, am on block 4 here is what I have done so far:
I work on this at night while tv is on... Well, Happy Tuesday, bad storms in IL last night, a couple of tornado's but the heat is returning. I love the heat, Love Summer!!
This is my daughter Kate and her hubby Chris, by the pool on her birthday! Happy Tues everyone, Hugs, Mary

15 June 2015

Rainy Mondays....

I swear it has been raining here for a week...so much rain water!!! So, am working on baby quilt, here is first row:
Thought I would do this today as it is raining Again! Here are also some pics of what I look at through my sewing room window: My Garden:
Well, Happy Monday everyone! Hugs, Mary

06 June 2015

Another question for all of you

I was wondering do you wash your fabric before stitching or after or not at all?? And, if you do wash fabric what kind of detergent do you use. Just wondering.....