a blog of quilts I make, ideas, love of my family, my life with all its ups, downs and sideway directions...
31 December 2013
Happy New Year to All...
Hi Everyone!!! I hope everyone has a Beautiful New Year filled with lots of Peace and Happiness and Fabulous Health!!
I am sitting here on New Years Eve, thinking about the last year with all the truly happy moments and also the sad moments, and I thank God for everyone of them....I am very fortunate to have a loving family, and my faith in God.
I have done a little bit of stitching these past few months, not nearly what I would have accomplished in previous years, but moments and people took priority in my life...hope to get back to stitchin in the New Year!
I still follow all my favorite blogs, like Karen's - Primitive Quilts and Pat's and several others and I wish I could get things done as Beautifully and Fast as they do, maybe, maybe 2014!!
Well, have a wonderful New Year's Eve and God Bless each and every one of my Quilting Friends!
08 December 2013
Kate & Chris, The Wedding :)